T minus 5 days and packing the longjohns…

sandsnowmanSaw this on the beach the other day. It felt like an omen of our upcoming trip. Found out the little village in which we are staying has 3 feet of snow waiting for us. Suffice it to say we added more sweats to our baggage. The Christmas cookies are baked and now the deadline is near to have all the gifts wrapped and ready to go. The humidity was so high here today, I was sweating while wrapping. Then we got blasted with a super storm, the skies went black at 5 p.m. and we were on a tornado watch. Some 30 homes were damaged about 5 miles from us.  After wind and rain, the temp dropped a little but still in shorts and flipflops but we’ll be trading them for coats and boots soon. The rest of the week will be a blur of cleaning and preparation for our new friends, Jesus, Polina and little Francisco.

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